I wrote this article in Sept of 2015 with the hopes that I would one day be able to publish it and share the experience with others. Today is that day.

I was recently tasked with moving and archiving ~16.5 million files from one location to another while we ingest approximately 4,000 new files per hour. This is for just a single customer, and we have multiple customers who fit such a profile. Keeping the data organized and available has been a challenge for over a year, and we have been working toward a solution for some time.


My company takes raw data from the medical industry and converts those metrics into various types of measures for the customer to gauge their performance and setup strategies for improvement. It also allows for several other options, but that is the core of the operations that cause us to injest so many records.

Each record is tiny. No more than 100kb and typically under 50kb in size. Individually, the files are not an issue, but in aggregate, the files cannot be listed before the default timeout is hit for such processes. This is regardless of OS - as the ingest point is a Linux server, and the archive server is Windows based. In both cases, the files could not be listed using normal methods.


This lack of listing made it difficult to determine a logical way to break down the data into usable chunks. There was no consistent naming convention to pull from, and even if there was, there was no way to determine what that might be. It was estimated that there were 10’s of thousands of files per day, but prior to attacking the problem, it was just an educated guess - there was no way to know before-hand.

The Solution

Several potential solutions presented themselves, most or all involved scripting. For a variety of reasons unrelated to the direct problem, we chose to mount a separate drive to a new archive server we setup for other files and migrate them to that new server using a script written to filter all files into separate folders based on the one piece of data we did know was consistent for all files - the last write date (modified date).

This was moving from Windows to Windows, so Powershell was the go-to scripting language. Even for accessing Linux I might consider it if I were pulling from Linux to Windows; but that is another story. Getting started with the script was not exactly easy. It took some time and several false starts to figure out how to get the data I wanted in the format needed.

Googling around for solutions led me down some bad paths for my particular use case, as is often the case when writing new scripts. It is unfortunately rare that a script you find will do exactly what you want, and even rarer that it works in your environment changing only the path names. For example, one bad road I went down was using the C# library for optimizing the read in speed over Get-ChildItem. While it DID speed up the read times, I was unable to treat the objects in the same manner, and my lack of understanding around C# code prevented me from working through this to get the files read in faster. More on speed of execution later though. The key, for me, was when I stumbled across the lastwritetime file property. When I found this and learned it was the property I was trying to filter on, the rest came easy.

Once the basic script was finished it looked something like this:

$MyFile = Get-ChildItem -Path E:\
foreach ( $flob in $MyFile ){
    $fldate = Get-Date -Format d ($flob.lastwritetime)
    $modday = Get-Date -Format dd $fldate
    $modmonth = Get-Date -Format MM $fldate
    $folderloc = "2015" + $modmonth + $modday + "_Data"
    $TARGET = "G:\$folderloc"
    if (!(Test-Path -Path $TARGET )){
            New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $TARGET
    cp E:\$flob $TARGET  #Using cp instead of move for testing - don't want to lose data!

The problem was, it took a LONG TIME. In fact, I thought the entire system froze. So to verify, I added a Write-Host line to the end of the file. This proved it took some time to read in the file (Minutes to be exact) but that it actually was running. So after a little more searching, I learned to tweak it to just the first x number of files using the select statement. I also learned an easy way to provide times to feed into an optimization loop (though I didn’t know at the time that is what I wanted to create). So the final code at this point looked like:

$starttime = (Get-Date)
$MyFile = Get-ChildItem -Path E:\ | select -First 300000
$midtime = (Get-Date)
foreach ( $flob in $MyFile ){
    $fldate = Get-Date -Format d ($flob.lastwritetime)
    $modday = Get-Date -Format dd $fldate
    $modmonth = Get-Date -Format MM $fldate
    $folderloc = "2015" + $modmonth + $modday + "_Data"
    $TARGET = "G:\$folderloc"
    if (!(Test-Path -Path $TARGET )){
            New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $TARGET
    mv E:\$flob $TARGET  #Use cp instead of move for testing - don't want to lose data!
    Write-Host "Move Complete"
$endtime = (Get-Date)
$splittime = $midtime-$starttime
$writesplit = $endtime-$midtime
$totaltime = $endtime-$starttime
Write-Host "Read in split time:  $splittime"
Write-Host "Write out split time: $writesplit"
Write-Host "Total elapsed time: $totaltime"

I strongly recommend any long running process to include those times so you can get actual runtime values at each major point of the code as well as an overall time. For me, that was huge. I started at 100,000 files, and moved my way up to 3 million files in a move. I kept track of the times and found very similar results from 100,000 to 300,000 files with results slowing as it grew to 1 million files at a run. Still, the times were generally acceptable. At 100,000 files, the transfer took about 35 minutes. At 300,000 about 80 minutes. At 500,000, it took exactly 2.5 hours. At 1 million files 5.5 hours.

As a side note, I found tracking how far along the script was difficult at best, so I added a counter to the script and put it in the Write-Host line to tell me which file was moved last.

Figuring the time drop-off would be consistent, I let the script run overnight (~16 hours). I figured I had 16 hours to kill and 2 million files would likely take only 12 hours. So I said lets shoot for 3 million and it should finish about 3 hours into my work. (~19 hours expected runtime). The script ran successfully throughout the night, but the time was far longer than expected. When I came in the next morning, after over 16 hours of runtime, only 1.7 million files had moved. At this point, I decided to break the script and start optimizing it.I was going to use that as a feedback loop, but decided the coding to do so for variable sized files like this wasn’t worth the effort. I basically “eyeballed” it using the times listed above and decided it was somewhere around 300,000 files that was the sweetspot for this particular work.

So then, all that was left to do was to loop through the program until all the files were moved. To make time tracking easier, you can output to file or use the tee command to output to both a file and console (my recommendation). The end code looks like this:

for ($i=0;$i -lt 40; $i++) # The number 40 came from dividing the remaining files to move by 300,000 - the optimized number of moves in a single run.
$starttime = (Get-Date)
$MyFile = Get-ChildItem -Path E:\ | select -First 300000
$midtime = (Get-Date)
$fileno = 0
foreach ( $flob in $MyFile ){
    $fldate = Get-Date -Format d ($flob.lastwritetime)
    $modday = Get-Date -Format dd $fldate
    $modmonth = Get-Date -Format MM $fldate
    $folderloc = "2015" + $modmonth + $modday + "_Data"
    $TARGET = "G:\$folderloc"
    if (!(Test-Path -Path $TARGET )){
            New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $TARGET
    mv E:\$flob $TARGET  #Use cp instead of move for testing - don't want to lose data!
    Write-Host "Run $i, File $fileno Move Complete"
$endtime = (Get-Date)
$splittime = $midtime-$starttime
$writesplit = $endtime-$midtime
$totaltime = $endtime-$starttime
Write-Output "*************************************"  | Tee-Object -FilePath c:\outfile.txt -Append
Write-Output "Run $i Times"  | Tee-Object -FilePath c:\outfile.txt -Append
Write-Output "-----------------------------------------------------------"  | Tee-Object -FilePath c:\outfile.txt -Append
Write-Output "Read in split time:  $splittime"  | Tee-Object -FilePath c:\outfile.txt -Append
Write-Output "Write out split time: $writesplit" | Tee-Object -FilePath c:\outfile.txt -Append
Write-Output "Total elapsed time: $totaltime" | Tee-Object -FilePath c:\outfile.txt -Append

Using these few lines of code, I was able to move over 11 million files filtered into one of about 200 folders based on when the file was last modified in just over 30 hours (without having to create the directory structure before it started). As mentioned earlier, this is not likely the most optimized code. Reading in the files, for example, can be optimized using C# libraries (actually probably the whole process could be). Using streams, I could pick off files as they are listed instead of requiring they be read into memory first. The problem with these two approaches is I don’t know how to do it, and the research and time required to make this happen was not worth the investment in my situation. I needed a solution now, and this solution worked far faster than it took me to optimize it for the fastest performance possible. Are there better approaches out there? Maybe. Are there faster ones? Most likely. Are they readily available? Not that I could find. Hopefully you are better at finding it them than I am; but if not, I can tell you this worked for me.