Git & GitHub - whats the difference?
Git is a tool known as a source control tool.It is used to provide backups of source files of any type and allows for point in time returns.In team environments, it allows for multiple people to edit the same file, check it in, and merge all the changes automatically enforcing a standard method of collaboration and tracing of who added what, when.With effective comments, it also supports why things were added to give context to the thinking of why a change or addition was made.
GitHub is a service provided by GitHub Inc.It was designed to be a public internet venue for sharing code using the Git source control mechanism to control a variety of issues that could otherwise arise from sharing code over the internet.Issues such as malicious code injection, forged code, and other such “fakery” is avoided by having such control over who can update the code, and the ability to roll back the code changes if it does make it in.Now, don’t take this to mean the service protects users from such code, quite the opposite, potentially.It makes it easier than ever to acquire such code; but you would be doing so intentionally, and not through the typical tricking users.
GitHub and the variety of services like it, GitLab being the most notable, also offer a variety of services some of which they sell to make money. Each service differs, but it is usually on the basis of private repositories in some form. One of the free services they provide, however, and the one that I am using with Jekyll, is GitHub pages.