It isn't the content that is difficult to write about, nor is it the subject(s); it is the volume, and how to cut it to a useful, digestible size.

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I am back, blogging again for at least one day. I know, “Two posts in one day, what’s up with that!”. Well it is really posting a page I had written and ready for a while, and now this one I am writing now.

I started my Enterprise Tools chain working on security tools, because 1) they are important, and 2) they were the ones I was most familiar with what I like. That didn’t come out right. I have worked with many tools in the system security space and knew enough to identify specific tools I liked vs ones that annoyed me. Communication tools, Development Tools, and even a few other areas I eventually will post about are either far less familiar to me right now, or far more similar so choosing a specific tool isn’t as critical? Easy? Doesn’t matter as much to me? Whatever, the point is, it isn’t written for a variety of reasons and the security tools post was.

But it is in this hiatus between my May post and these August posts that I realized just how hard blogging is. And it isn’t because of the reasons I would think. Research time, writing time, choosing a topic, even meeting deadlines are not particularly difficult. Okay, maybe the time consuming parts are a bit of a challenge while working full time, but it isn’t really HARD. The truly hard part of blogging is cutting the content down to just the useful, digestible tidbits that get you what you want without taking an hour to figure out what I am saying.

Fortunately for me, this blog is primarily about providing instructional content on how to implement a project I have implemented already so you (or I, after I forget two years down the road), can follow it and “hopefully” avoid the pitfalls I ran into in the original project implementation. That is why so much of my blog is in the Linux and Zabbix space at this point - it is the projects I have done and want to document to avoid figuring it out again in the future. Unfortunately, that means the blog posts themselves suffer as the writing is done for the instructional sections instead. Back to the hard work….