Learning to Blog - The Flip side.
It is true, to be popular, consumable, and most of all, useful, to many people pictures are a requirement. Even on this site, I use pictures a lot to try to show what I did, or didn’t do, to clarify a statement made in the text. However, in this day of pictures, and even videos, text has it’s place. So here it is, in the glorious “David Letterman - Top 5” style; The top 5 values of text in a blog are:
5 - It takes up very little space compared to pictures or video
4 - It allows for the expression of ideas that cannot be contained in pictures (videos are an exception, however.)
3 - It is far easier to change
2 - It moves at the pace of the consumer, not the producer
1 - It is easier to produce content in text form
For me, and this blog in particular, it is the top 3 that really play into what I learned on this flip side of blogging. It is the difficulty and time to find, create, and/or edit the pictures that actually started consuming all my time and delaying (and eventually stopping) my blogging. The blog was, first and foremost, my own journal as I make my way through this part of my life. So really, the key thing I was forgetting was the audience, and that audience was primarily me. Sorry to you, my readers who are not me; I really do value your input. However, the blog was more of a journal rather than a tutor.
The purpose for the blog to other readers was to get to know me, not to teach, or show, others anything. If you learn something else along the way, great! That is a benefit to all. If you just learn a little more about what I was thinking at the time, that is good too. That is the whole point. But if you expected me to try to convey something more, then I am sorry I led you astray. I started down the wrong path, and that path led you to your current expectations, which is beyond what I ever intended.
In the end, this blog is a historical reference to what I was thinking or doing at a specific time, so I can recreate (or learn from if I should avoid it) at a future date. However, the over-focusing on images led me to not write at all, making this blog completely pointless. This realization led me to realize I changed the purpose to try and gather some readers, rather than focusing on content, as I intended. I will still provide pictures, where relevant and easily available, but I am no longer shying away from the wall of text. Instead, I will get back to my original purpose of journaling my thoughts and accomplishments. As before, some sections are still intended to be commentaries on some aspect of life I learned and want to share, such as this one. But overall, it is the journal, not the pictures, that should be, and will be, the source of information here.